Working with Your Files
Working with Your Files
Get a quick overview of your Files and Folders in the About Sidebar by clicking the “Files” button.
Remember to click the small blue ? icon to get a help video reviewing this specific Files area.
Use this visibility into your Files to make workflow easier, instead of changing your entire Workspace window, you can view your messages or tasks and have your Files sidebar open.
Upload hundreds of files at once by clicking the “Add Files” button.
Organize them into folders if desired by clicking “New Folder”.
When you hover over a Folder, click the … icon to upload files directly into the folder or rename the folder.
Click “Add to Message” to immediately attach the Folder to a message to share with others.
When you hover over a file important data will appear below the name.
File size and upload date will be revealed.
To the right of the name you can click the bookmark icon to add the file to your Saved Items.
Click the … icon to the right of the file name to Share, Move, or Copy the file.
You can Share the file and it will attach it to a Message or just Copy the Link.
To Move the file you would need to first select the Workspace and then the Root Directory or a Folder you want the file to be stored in.
Select Copy to duplicate the file and choose where you want it to be stored in the same way.
Click “Add a Comment” to open the file and type your Comment in the right hand column.
A visual marker will be added to the area related to your remarks.
Use Comments together with Replacing an Image to keep track of updated changes.
When a file has been changed and updated according to the Comment, choose Replace an Image and any completed Comments will remain with the new file!
If needed you can always click the … icon and select Delete to remove a file or folder.
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